Couple lying on floor - Everything You Need to Know About Switching Away from Oil Heating

In the past, oil was a popular choice for home heating in Canada. However, with increasing environmental concerns, the search for more energy-efficient and sustainable alternatives has intensified.  

Whether it’s propane furnaces, heat pumps, geothermal systems or radiant heating, homeowners have a wide range of options when it comes to home heating solutions. In this article, we will explore everything you need to know about switching from oil to other forms of heating to help you make a more informed decision.  

Is it Worth Switching From Oil to Propane?

Propane-powered furnaces are more efficient than oil furnaces, which can save you money each month on your energy bills. The cost of propane varies depending on your location and the market prices, but it is also usually cheaper than oil. In addition, propane is a cleaner-burning fuel, producing fewer pollutants, which is better for the environment and your safety.  

How Much Does it Cost to Switch From an Oil to a Propane Furnace?

The cost of converting from oil to propane varies depending on your home’s current heating system and the scope of the project. A basic conversion can cost anywhere from $5,000 to $8,000, while more complex projects can cost upwards of $15,000. 

What are the Benefits of Switching From Oil to Other Forms of Heating?

Switching from oil to other forms of heating can provide several benefits, including lower energy bills, improved comfort, and reduced environmental impact. For example, heat pumps are highly efficient and work well in mild to moderate climates. Propane and natural gas furnaces, on the other hand, are a reliable option for areas with harsh winters. Natural gas is the most commonly used heating source in Canada and is relatively cheap compared to oil. 

That said, greener forms of energy like hydroelectric, solar, and geothermal are also becoming more popular and feasible in certain regions.  

What is the Most Energy-Efficient Heating System in Canada?

Heat pumps are generally regarded as the most energy-efficient HVAC systems available. Instead of hydrocarbon fuels, they use electricity and can provide both heating and cooling solutions 

Radiant hydronic floor heating is another highly efficient option, but it may not be ideal for all homes. 

What are the Main Things to Consider When Choosing a New Heating System?

When choosing a new heating system, you should first consider energy efficiency, up-front costs, and environmental impact. You should also consider the size of your home, your budget, and the climate in your area. It is important to compare different heating systems and weigh the pros and cons before making a decision. Speaking to a professional about your needs can help you understand these considerations and how they will impact your final decision.  

How do You Convert From Oil to Other Forms of Heating?

The process of converting from oil to another form of heating depends on the type of heating system you choose. In general, you need to have an HVAC professional assess your home’s heating system, remove the old oil heater, and install a new furnace, heat pump or boiler. Other parts of your HVAC system may also require retrofitting, such as installing gas lines or additional electrical wiring.  

The process typically takes a few days to complete and may result in minor disruptions to your household’s daily routines.  

Interested in converting from oil to another form of heating? Contact the experts at RB Heating ClimateCare today for more information!

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What are the Sustainability Benefits of Switching From Oil?

Each heating system has a different impact on the environment, but most alternatives to oil are more environmentally friendly. For example, propane and natural gas produce fewer pollutants compared to oil, while heat pumps and geothermal systems have a lower carbon footprint overall. Switching from oil to alternative heating sources can help reduce your home’s dependency on fossil fuels and contribute to a more sustainable future. 

Are There Any Tax Credits or Incentives Available for Homeowners Who Switch From Oil to Alternative Heating Sources? 

There are various tax credits and incentives offered by the Canadian government to encourage homeowners to switch from oil to renewables. Natural Resources Canada offers home retrofit grants for everything from improved insulation to new HVAC equipment.  

Another option is to apply for government rebates for heat pumps if you choose to make the switch. There is also an affordability grant for replacing an oil heater with a heat pump if your household meets certain financial criteria. 

You will also want to check with your provincial and local governments as well as your energy provider to see what incentives are available in your area. 

How Does the Installation/Maintenance Process Differ for Each Type of Heating System? 

It’s worth considering the differences in installation and maintenance needs when planning to purchase a new heating system. For example, installing a heat pump may require more complex electrical work compared to simply switching out a furnace. That said, heat pumps will likely require less extensive maintenance. If you go the hydronic route, you’ll need to install piping and insulation.  

How Long Do Alternatives to Oil Last? 

The lifespan of alternative heating systems varies based on type. A well-maintained furnace or heat pump can last for 15-20 years. A geothermal system, with proper maintenance, can last even longer, up to 25 years or more. Plus, radiant and hydronic heating systems can sometimes last up to 30 years with proper maintenance.  

Make the Switch Today 

At RB Heating, we’ll be happy to set your home up with the latest in efficient home heating technology. Contact our team today to learn more! 

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